Priebojníkové excízie v dermatológii a dermatopatológii
Zoltán Szép
(Punch excision in dermatology and dermatopathology)At the end of 2013, the EUROVERLAG, s.r.o. published a book in the field of dermatology.
The publication has 264 pages and contains a large amount of pictures and diagrams documenting various principles of the selection of appropriate skin eflorescencies determined for excision. It closely describes technical details of the method of punch excision and highlights the most common errors occurring when sending samples of skin for histopathological examination.
Review -
Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors
Dmitry Kazakov, Michal Michal, Denisa Kacerovská, Phillip H. McKeeIn 2013, one of the most prestigious and largest US publishers, Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, has published a book of Czech authors (D.V. Kazakov, M. Michal, D. Kacerovská) in cooperation with the Anglo-American pathologist (PH McKee).
This publication has 814 pages, contains over 2,000 high-quality color histological and clinical photographs, and 3012 citations.
The material, from which the authors have drawn, comes from tumor register of Šikl Institute of University Hospital and Medical Faculty in Pilsen, from the archives of Bioptická laboratoř, s.r.o., and from consultancy cases of authors of the book.
The monograph contains 9 chapters, which include all adnexal tumors of skin, including lesions that can imitate them. For each unit, it discusses the clinical and histopathological presentation, immunohistochemical phenotype, prognosis and differential diagnosis. The last chapter is aimed at hereditary syndromes associated with adnexal skin tumors, including a detailed description of the viscerals and the process of molecular-genetic diagnostic methods of examination.
The book is not only an indispensable tool for pathologists and dermatologists, but thanks to its overlap, it can also be recommended to other specialists, such as gynecologists and internists with a deeper interest in clinicopathological context. The book can be purchased on the website of the publisher or at other official dealers. -
Nádory varlat
Ondřej Hes, Michal Michal, Petr Mukenšnabl, Veličkinová, Milan Hora, Ludmila Boudová
(Testicular tumors)The book "Testicular tumors" of authors Hese, Michal, Mukenšnabl, Veličkinová, Hora and Boudová is the latest monograph dealing with benign and malignant tumors of testes.
The material, from which the authors have drawn, comes from archives of tumor register of Šikl Institute of University Hospital and Medical Faculty in Pilsen, from the archives of Bioptická laboratoř, s.r.o., from archives of Cytopathos, s.r.o., and from consultancy cases of authors of the book. Many cases have been sent from pathologists from abroad, either as consultations or as a contribution to this monograph.
This monograph places an emphasis on individual differential lesion diagnosis and closely comments on also nonmalignant lesions that imitate tumors. The book includes a section dealing with clinical diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the testis.
The publication has 368 pages, contains 380 color photos, 4 black and white photos and 1,062 citations including the recent references from 2007.
This monograph was created with support by the following institutions:- Bioptická laboratoř, s.r.o., Mikulášské náměstí 4, 326 00 Pilsen, CR
- Cytopathos, s.r.o., Limbová 5, 830 07 Bratislava, SR
- Registr nádorů ŠPAÚ FN a LF UK Pilsen, Alej Svobody 80, 323 00 Pilsen, CR
Nádory ledvin dospělého věku
Ondřej Hes, Michal Michal, Petr Mukenšnabl
(Kidney tumors in adulthood)The book "Kidney tumors in adulthood" is a monograph dealing with diagnosis of benign and malignant kidney cancer disease in adulthood.
The material for this book is based on nearly 4,000 primary tumor and pseudo-tumor affections, which were collected partially from the archives of the Šikl Institute of University Hospital Pilsen, partially from the tumor registry and consulting cases of coauthors of the last ten years. Assembly of tumors, which was the basis of this book, comes from more than 40 Czech and Slovak institutes of pathology and from several foreign pathological workplaces.
The book places a special emphasis on the differential diagnosis of tumors and pseudo-tumor lesions. This publication contains more than 520 citations. In their choice, the emphasis was placed primarily on first citations including some old original publications more than 100 years old, and also the latest citations including the recent works from the beginning of the year 2000.
This monograph contains a total of 120 photos, including color.Free on the Internet!
The book "Kidney tumors in adulthood" is freely available on the Internet (in Czech) at www.medima.cz/nadoryledvin.