• RNDr. Petr Grossmann, Ph.D.
    RNDr. Petr Grossmann, Ph.D.

    Molekulární genetik

Seznam publikací

  1. 1. Frydrychová R, Grossmann P, Trubac P, Vítková M, Marec F. Phylogenetic distribution of TTAGG telomeric repeats in insects. Genome. 2004 Feb;47(1):163-78.
  2. Hes O, Vanecek T, Síma R, Hora M, Velickinová H, Grossmann P, Kovár J, Michal M. [Tumorous diseases in patients with the testicular feminization syndrome ("androgen insensitivity" syndrome)--description of two cases] Ceska Gynekol. 2005 Mar;70(2):113-7. Czech.
  3. Daum O, Grossmann P, Vanecek T, Sima R, Mukensnabl P, Michal M. Diagnostic morphological features of PDGFRA-mutated gastrointestinal stromal tumors: molecular genetic and histologic analysis of 60 cases of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2007 Feb;11(1):27-33.
  4. Melichar B, Laco J, Slovácek L, Grossmann P, Vanecek T. Fatal venous thrombembolism complicating imatinib therapy in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Dec;25(4):607-10.
  5. Kazakov DV, Zelger B, Rütten A, Vazmitel M, Spagnolo DV, Kacerovska D, Vanecek T, Grossmann P, Sima R, Grayson W, Calonje E, Koren J, Mukensnabl P, Danis D, Michal M. Morphologic diversity of malignant neoplasms arising in preexisting spiradenoma, cylindroma, and spiradenocylindroma based on the study of 24 cases, sporadic or occurring in the setting of Brooke-Spiegler syndrome. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 May;33(5):705-19.
  6. Kazakov DV, Ivan D, Kutzner H, Spagnolo DV, Grossmann P, Vanecek T, Sima R, Kacerovska D, Shelekhova KV, Denisjuk N, Hillen U, Kuroda N, Mukensnabl P, Danis D, Michal M. Cutaneous hidradenocarcinoma: a clinicopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular biologic study of 14 cases, including Her2/neu gene expression/amplification, TP53 gene mutation analysis, and t(11;19) translocation. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 May;31(3):236-47.
  7. Kazakov DV, Sima R, Vanecek T, Kutzner H, Palmedo G, Kacerovska D, Grossmann P, Michal M. Mutations in exon 3 of the CTNNB1 gene (beta-catenin gene) in cutaneous adnexal tumors. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 May;31(3):248-55.
  8. Kazakov DV, Thoma-Uszynski S, Vanecek T, Kacerovska D, Grossmann P, Michal M., A case of Brooke-Spiegler syndrome with a novel germline deep intronic mutation in the CYLD gene leading to intronic exonization, diverse somatic mutations, and unusual histology., Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 Oct;31(7):664-73.
  9. Daum O, Ferdova E, Kural T, Grossmann P, Nemcova J, Mukensnabl P, Michal M., Pancreatic undifferentiated carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells masquerading as (extra)gastrointestinal stromal tumor: potential diagnostic pitfall., Pathol Int. 2010 Jan;60(1):59-61.
  10. Kazakov DV, Grossmann P, Spagnolo DV, Vanecek T, Vazmitel M, Kacerovska D, Zelger B, Calonje E, Michal M., Expression of p53 and TP53 mutational analysis in malignant neoplasms arising in preexisting spiradenoma, cylindroma, and spiradenocylindroma, sporadic or associated with Brooke-Spiegler syndrome., Am J Dermatopathol. 2010 May;32(3):215-21.
  11. Petersson F, Michal M, Grossmann P, Franco M, Zámecník M, Hes O., Low-grade sarcoma in classical seminoma - the first case reported., nt J Clin Exp Pathol. 2009 Nov 1;3(2):203-9.
  12. Petersson F, Gatalica Z, Grossmann P, Perez Montiel MD, Alvarado Cabrero I, Bulimbasic S, Swatek A, Straka L, Tichy T, Hora M, Kuroda N, Legendre B, Michal M, Hes O., Sporadic hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe tumor of the kidney: a clinicopathologic, histomorphologic, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and molecular cytogenetic study of 14 cases, Virchows Arch. 2010 Apr;456(4):355-65. Epub 2010 Mar 19.
  13. Petersson F, Grossmann P, Vanecek T, Coric M, Cacic M, Hes O, Michal M., Testicular germ cell tumor composed of placental site trophoblastic tumor and teratoma, Hum Pathol. 2010 Apr 7. [Epub ahead of print]
  14. Daum O, Hatlova J, Mandys V, Grossmann P, Mukensnabl P, Benes Z, Michal M., Comparison of morphological, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic features of inflammatory fibroid polyps (Vanek's tumors), Virchows Arch. 2010 May;456(5):491-7.
  15. Daum O, Jirasek T, Grossmann P, Mukensnabl P, Michal M., Plexiform Fibroma of the Colon., Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2010 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print]
  16. Daum O, Zalud R, Grossmann P, Mukensnabl P, Michal M., Case of Imatinib-naive Ileal Fibrous Stromal Tumor With Unusual Morphology and Double PDGFRA Mutation. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2010 May 7.
  17. Hes O, Vaněček T, Petersson F, Grossmann P, Hora M, Perez Montiel DM, Steiner P, Dvořák M, Michal M., Mutational analysis (c.402C>G) of the FOXL2 gene and immunohistochemical expression of the FOXL2 protein in testicular adult type granulosa cell tumors and incompletely differentiated sex cord stromal tumors. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2011 Jul;19(4):347-51.
  18. Krejci J, Pesek M, Grossmann P, Krejci M, Ricar J, Benesova L, Minarik M., Extraordinary response to erlotinib therapy in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma exhibiting KRAS mutation and EGFR amplification. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2011 May-Jun;8(3):135-8.
  19. Petersson F, Síma R, Grossmann P, Michal M, Kuroda N, Hora M, Yang X, Kinkor Z, Trivunic S, Zalud R, Sperga M, Jaunmuktane Z, Branžovský J, Ferda J, Hes O., Renal small cell oncocytoma with pseudorosettes A histomorphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic study of 10 cases. Hum Pathol. 2011 Jun 6.
  20. Wolfe A, Dobin SM, Grossmann P, Michal M, Donner LR., Clonal trisomies 7,10 and 12, normal 3p and absence of VHL gene mutation in a clear cell tubulopapillary carcinoma of the kidney. Virchows Arch. 2011 ;459(4):457-63.
  21. Krenova Z, Kren L, Blatny J, Falk M, Kazakov DV, Grossmann P, Shimada H,Sterba J. Extraosseal Ewing sarcoma as a rare cause of the blueberry muffin baby syndrome: a case report and the review of the literature. Am J Dermatopathol.2011;33(7):733-5.
  22. Kacerovská D, Michal M, Síma R, Grossmann P, Kazakov DV. Carney complex. Cesk Patol. 2011;47(4):192-7. Review. Czech.
  23. Nagashima Y, Furuya M, Gotohda H, Takagi S, Hes O, Michal M, Grossmann P, Tanaka R, Nakatani Y, Kuroda N. FLCN gene-mutated renal cell neoplasms: motherand daughter cases with a novel germline mutation. Int J Urol. 2012;19(5):468-70.
  24. Kacerovska D, Requena L, Michal M, Grossmann P, Treskova I, Roucka P, Kazakov DV. Spectrum of cutaneous and soft tissue lesions in two Carney complexpatients-adnexal induction versus authentic adnexal neoplasms. Am JDermatopathol. 2012;34(7):729-36.
  25. Rychlý B, Grossmann P, Steňo A, Pataky F. [Selected biomarkers in the primary tumors of the central nervous system: short review]. Cesk Patol. 2012;48(2):65-71. Review.
  26. Kacerovska D, Cerna K, Martinek P, Grossmann P, Michal M, Ricar J, Kazakov DV.MSH6 mutation in a family affected by Muir-Torre syndrome. Am J Dermatopathol.2012;34(6):648-52.
  27. Vranic S, Hes O, Grossmann P, Gatalica Z. Low frequency of HIF-1αoverexpression in germ cell tumors of the testis. Appl Immunohistochem MolMorphol. 2013;21(2):165-9.
  28. Kuroda N, Maris S, Monzon FA, Tan PH, Thomas A, Petersson FB, Gatalica Z,Ghazalpour A, Bender RP, Grossmann P, Michal M, Svajdler M, Ovcak Z, Hora M, Hes O. Juxtaglomerular cell tumor: a morphological, immunohistochemical and geneticstudy of six cases. Hum Pathol. 2013;44(1):47-54.
  29. Ohe C, Kuroda N, Hes O, Michal M, Vanecek T, Grossmann P, Tanaka Y, Tanaka M, Inui H, Komai Y, Matsuda T, Uemura Y. A renal epithelioidangiomyolipoma/perivascular epithelioid cell tumor with TFE3 gene breakvisualized by FISH. Med Mol Morphol. 2012;45(4):234-7.
  30. Grossmann P, Vanecek T, Steiner P, Kacerovska D, Spagnolo DV, Cribier B, Rose C, Vazmitel M, Carlson JA, Emberger M, Martinek P, Pearce RL, Pearn J, Michal M, Kazakov DV. Novel and recurrent germline and somatic mutations in a cohort of 67 patients from 48 families with Brooke-Spiegler syndrome including the phenotypic variant of multiple familial trichoepitheliomas and correlation with thehistopathologic findings in 379 biopsy specimens. Am J Dermatopathol. 2013;35(1):34-44.
  31. Petersson F, Grossmann P, Hora M, Sperga M, Montiel DP, Martinek P, Gutierrez ME, Bulimbasic S, Michal M, Branzovsky J, Hes O. Renal cell carcinoma with areas mimicking renal angiomyoadenomatous tumor/clear cell papillary renal cellcarcinoma. Hum Pathol. 2013;44(7):1412-20.
  32. Shelekhova KV, Calonje E, Grossmann P, Kacerovska D, Koudela K Jr, Mirka H, Michal M, Kazakov DV. Superficial soft tissue biphasic synovial sarcoma withapocrine differentiation in the glandular component: a report of two cases. Am J Dermatopathol. 2014;36(10):847-52.
  33. Sperga M, Martinek P, Vanecek T, Grossmann P, Bauleth K, Perez-Montiel D,Alvarado-Cabrero I, Nevidovska K, Lietuvietis V, Hora M, Michal M, Petersson F,Kuroda N, Suster S, Branzovsky J, Hes O. Chromophobe renal cellcarcinoma--chromosomal aberration variability and its relation to Paner gradingsystem: an array CGH and FISH analysis of 37 cases. Virchows Arch. 2013;463(4):563-73.
  34. Sedivcová M, Martínek P, Stehlík J, Grossmann P, Kašpírková J, Vaneček T.[Sequencing - classical method]. Cesk Patol. 2013;49(3):122-8. Czech.
  35. Skálová A, Vanecek T, Simpson RH, Vazmitsel MA, Majewska H, Mukensnabl P,Hauer L, Andrle P, Hosticka L, Grossmann P, Michal M. CRTC1-MAML2 and CRTC3-MAML2fusions were not detected in metaplastic Warthin tumor and metaplasticpleomorphic adenoma of salivary glands. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013;37(11):1743-50.
  36. Skálová A, Vanecek T, Majewska H, Laco J, Grossmann P, Simpson RH, Hauer L, Andrle P, Hosticka L, Branžovský J, Michal M. Mammary analogue secretorycarcinoma of salivary glands with high-grade transformation: report of 3 caseswith the ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion and analysis of TP53, β-catenin, EGFR, and CCND1 genes. Am J Surg Pathol. 2014;38(1):23-33.
  37. Hes O, de Souza TG, Pivovarcikova K, Grossmann P, Martinek P, Kuroda N,Kacerovska D, Svajdler M, Straka L, Petersson F, Hora M, Michal M. Distinctiverenal cell tumor simulating atrophic kidney with 2 types of microcalcifications. Report of 3 cases. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2014;18(2):82-8.
  38. Peckova K, Grossmann P, Bulimbasic S, Sperga M, Perez Montiel D, Daum O,Rotterova P, Kokoskova B, Vesela P, Pivovarcikova K, Bauleth K, Branzovsky J,Dubova M, Hora M, Michal M, Hes O. Renal cell carcinoma with leiomyomatousstroma--further immunohistochemical and molecular genetic characteristics ofunusual entity. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2014;18(5):291-6.
  39. Martínek P, Grossmann P, Hes O, Bouda J, Eret V, Frizzell N, Gill AJ, Ondič O.Genetic testing of leiomyoma tissue in women younger than 30 years old mightprovide an effective screening approach for the hereditary leiomyomatosis andrenal cell cancer syndrome (HLRCC). Virchows Arch. 2015;467(2):185-91.
  40. Peckova K, Martinek P, Ohe C, Kuroda N, Bulimbasic S, Condom Mundo E, PerezMontiel D, Lopez JI, Daum O, Rotterova P, Kokoskova B, Dubova M, Pivovarcikova K,Bauleth K, Grossmann P, Hora M, Kalusova K, Davidson W, Slouka D, Miroslav S, Buzrla P, Hynek M, Michal M, Hes O. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma withneuroendocrine and neuroendocrine-like features. Morphologic,immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and array comparative genomic hybridizationanalysis of 18 cases and review of the literature. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2015;19(4):261-8.
  41. Ulamec M, Skenderi F, Zhou M, Krušlin B, Martínek P, Grossmann P, Peckova K, Alvarado-Cabrero I, Kalusova K, Kokoskova B, Rotterova P, Hora M, Daum O, Dubova M, Bauleth K, Slouka D, Sperga M, Davidson W, Rychly B, Perez Montiel D, Michal M, Hes O. Molecular Genetic Alterations in Renal Cell Carcinomas With Tubulocystic Pattern: Tubulocystic Renal Cell Carcinoma, Tubulocystic Renal Cell Carcinoma With Heterogenous Component and Familial Leiomyomatosis-associated Renal Cell Carcinoma. Clinicopathologic and Molecular Genetic Analysis of 15 Cases. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2016 Aug;24(7):521-30.
  42. Harrison WJ, Andrici J, Maclean F, Madadi-Ghahan R, Farzin M, Sioson L, Toon CW, Clarkson A, Watson N, Pickett J, Field M, Crook A, Tucker K, Goodwin A, Anderson L, Srinivasan B, Grossmann P, Martinek P, Ondič O, Hes O, Trpkov K, Clifton-Bligh RJ, Dwight T, Gill AJ. Fumarate Hydratase-deficient Uterine Leiomyomas Occur in Both the Syndromic and Sporadic Settings. Am J Surg Pathol. 2016;40(5):599-607.
  43. Rampisela D, Grossmann P, Donner LR. Rhabdoid Myomelanocytic Tumor (PEComa) of the Ovary: A Clinically Benign Case Followed for 7 Years. Int J Surg Pathol. 2016;24(5):431-5.
  44. Laco J, Mottl R, Höbling W, Ihrler S, Grossmann P, Skalova A, Ryska A. Cyclin D1 Expression in Ectomesenchymal Chondromyxoid Tumor of the Anterior Tongue. Int J Surg Pathol. 2016;24(7):586-94.
  45. Kyrpychova L, Kacerovska D, Vanecek T, Grossmann P, Michal M, Kerl K, Kazakov DV. Cutaneous hidradenoma: a study of 21 neoplasms revealing neither correlation between the cellular composition and CRTC1-MAML2 fusions nor presence of CRTC3-MAML2 fusions. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2016;23:8-13.
  46. Pivovarcikova K, Grossmann P, Alaghehbandan R, Sperga M, Michal M, Hes O. TFE3-Fusion Variant Analysis Defines Specific Clinicopathologic Associations Amog Xp11 Translocation Cancers. Am J Surg Pathol. 2017;41(1):138-140.
  47. Petersson F, Michal M, Kazakov DV, Grossmann P, Michal M. A New Hitherto Unreported Histopathologic Manifestation of Mammary Analogue Secretory Carcinoma: "Masked MASC" Associated With Low-grade Mucinous Adenocarcinoma and Low-grade In Situ Carcinoma Components. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2016;24(9):e80-e85.
  48. Michal M, Skálová A, Kazakov DV, Pecková K, Heidenreich F, Grossmann P, Michal M. Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the middle ear: The first case report. Hum Pathol. 2017;61:199-204.
  49. Michal M, Kazakov DV, Agaimy A, Hosova M, Michalova K, Grossmann P, Steiner P, Skenderi F, Vranic S, Michal M. Whorling cellular perineurioma: A previously undescribed variant closely mimicking monophasic fibrous synovial sarcoma. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2017;27:74-78.
  50. Michal M, Kazakov DV, Hadravsky L, Michalova K, Grossmann P, Steiner P, Vanecek T, Renda V, Suster S, Michal M. Lipoblasts in spindle cell and pleomorphic lipomas: a close scrutiny. Hum Pathol. 2017;65:140-146.
  51. Pohlodek K, Mečiarová I, Grossmann P, Kinkor Z. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast: A case report. Oncol Lett. 2017;14(1):993-998.
  52. Tanas Isikci O, He H, Grossmann P, Alaghehbandan R, Ulamec M, Michalova K, Pivovarcikova K, Montiel DP, Ondic O, Daum O, Prochazkova K, Hora M, Michal M, Hes O. Low-grade spindle cell proliferation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma is unlikely to be an initial step in sarcomatoid differentiation. Histopathology. 2018;72(5):804-813.
  53. Kinkor Z, Grossmann P, Dubová M, Bludovský D, Černá A, Krsková L, Lhoták P. [What´s new in Ewing-like sarcoma family? Soft tissue and bone sarcomas with CIC/BCOR rearrangement. Review of the literature and first personal experience]. Cesk Patol. 2017;53(4):175-180.
  54. Kazakov DV, Kyrpychova L, Martinek P, Grossmann P, Steiner P, Vanecek T, Pavlovsky M, Bencik V, Michal M, Michal M. ALK Gene Fusions in Epithelioid Fibrous Histiocytoma: A Study of 14 Cases, With New Histopathological Findings. Am J Dermatopathol. 2018;40(11):805-814.
  55. Ronen S, Aguilera-Barrantes I, Giorgadze T, Šteiner P, Grossmann P, Suster S. Polymorphous Sweat Gland Carcinoma: An Immunohistochemical and Molecular Study. Am J Dermatopathol. 2018;40(8):580-587.
  56. Kyrpychova L, Vanecek T, Grossmann P, Martinek P, Steiner P, Hadravsky L, Belousova IE, Shelekhova KV, Svajdler M, Dubinsky P, Michal M, Kazakov DV. Small Subset of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Skin Is Associated With Alterations of the MYBL1 Gene Similar to Their Extracutaneous Counterparts. Am J Dermatopathol. 2018;40(10):721-726.
  57. Šteiner P, Andreasen S, Grossmann P, Hauer L, Vaněček T, Miesbauerová M, Santana T, Kiss K, Slouka D, Skálová A. Prognostic significance of 1p36 locus deletion in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary glands. Virchows Arch. 2018;473(4):471-480.
  58. Michal M, Agaimy A, Contreras AL, Svajdler M, Kazakov DV, Steiner P, Grossmann P, Martinek P, Hadravsky L, Michalova K, Svajdler P, Szep Z, Michal M, Fetsch JF. Dysplastic Lipoma: A Distinctive Atypical Lipomatous Neoplasm With Anisocytosis, Focal Nuclear Atypia, p53 Overexpression, and a Lack of MDM2 Gene Amplification by FISH; A Report of 66 Cases Demonstrating Occasional Multifocality and a Rare Association With Retinoblastoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 2018;42(11):1530-1540.
  59. Michalova K, Steiner P, Alaghehbandan R, Trpkov K, Martinek P, Grossmann P, Montiel DP, Sperga M, Straka L, Prochazkova K, Cempirkova D, Horava V, Bulimbasic S, Pivovarcikova K, Daum O, Ondic O, Rotterova P, Michal M, Hora M, Hes O. Papillary renal cell carcinoma with cytologic and molecular genetic features overlapping with renal oncocytoma: Analysis of 10 cases. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2018;35:1-6.
  60. Ptáková N, Miesbauerová M, Kosťun J, Grossmann P, Šidlová H, Pavelka J, Presl J, Alaghehbandan R, Bouda J, Ondič O. Immunohistochemical and selected genetic reflex testing of all uterine leiomyosarcomas and STUMPs for ALK gene rearrangement may provide an effective screening tool in identifying uterine ALK-rearranged mesenchymal tumors. Virchows Arch. 2018;473(5):583-590.


Email: grossmann@biopticka.cz