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- Kazakov DV, Palmeto G, Mukensnabl P, Hes O, Kempf W, Michal M. Follicular lymphoma of the skin and superficial soft tissues associated with a prominent follicular dendritic cell proliferation: an unusual pattern which may represent a diagnostic pitfall. Pathology Research and Practice, 200, 557-565, 2004.
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- Kazakov DV, Pitha I, Sima R, Vanecek T, Shelekhova K, Mukensnabl P, Michal M. Hybrid peripheral nerve sheath tumors: schwannoma-perineurioma and neurofibroma-perineurioma. A report of three cases in extradigital locations. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology, 9, 16-23, 2005.
- Hes O, Benakova K, Vanecek T, Sima R, Michal M. Clear cell type of renal cell carcinoma with numerous hyaline globules: A diagnostic pitfall. Pathology International, 55, 150-154, 2005.
- Kazakov DV, Mikyskova I, Hes O, Mukensnabl P, Simpson RWH, Bouda J, Zamecnik M, Michal M. Hidradenoma papilliferum with oxyphilic metaplasia: A clinicopathological study of 18 cases, including detection of Human papillomavirus. American Journal of Dermatopathology, 27, 102-110, 2005.
- Hes O, Vanecek T, Perez-Montiel DM, Alvarado Cabrero I, Hora M, Suster S, Lamovec J, Curik R, Mandys V, Michal M. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma with microcystic and adenomatous arrangement and pigmentation. A diagnostic pitfall. Morphological, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural and molecular genetic report of 20 cases. Virchows Archiv, 446, 383-393, 2005.
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- Kazakov DV, Suster S, Leboit PE, Calonje E, Bisceglia M, Kutzner H, Rutten A, Mentzel T, Schaller J, Zelger B, Baltaci M, Leivo I, Rose C, Fukunaga M, Simpson RH, Yang Y, Carlson JA, Cavazza A, Hes O, Mukensnabl P, Vanecek T, Fidalgo A, Pizinger K, Michal M. Mucinous Carcinoma of the Skin, Primary, and Secondary: A Clinicopathologic Study of 63 Cases With Emphasis on the Morphologic Spectrum of Primary Cutaneous Forms: Homologies With Mucinous Lesions in the Breast. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 ;29(6):764-782.
- Kazakov DV, Vanecek T, Sima R, Kutzner H, Michal M. Dendritic cell neurofibroma with pseudorosettes lacks mutations in exons 1-15 of the neurofibromatosis type 2 gene. Am J Dermatopathol 2005; 27(4):286-289.
- Boudova L, Kazakov DV, Sima R, Vanecek T, Torlakovic E, Lamovec J, Kutzner H, Szepe P, Plank L, Bouda J, Hes O, Mukensnabl P, Michal M. Cutaneous Lymphoid Hyperplasia and Other Lymphoid Infiltrates of the Breast Nipple: A Retrospective Clinicopathologic Study of Fifty-Six Patients. Am J Dermatopathol. 2005;27(5):375-386.
- Vaněček T, Trubač P, Vorel F, Šíp M. Population genetics of 11 nuclear and 1 mitochondrial short tandem repeat loci in a population of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. J Appl Biomed 2005;3(3):129-131.
- Melichar B, Voboril Z, Nozicka J, Ryska A, Urminska H, Vanecek T, Michal M. Pathological complete response in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor after imatinib therapy. Intern Med. 2005;44(11):1163-1168.
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- Kazakov DV, Hugel H, Vanecek T, Michal M. Unusual hyperplasia of anogenital mammary-like glands. Am J Dermatopathol. 2006;28(2):134-137.
- Kazakov DV, Kutzner H, Palmedo G, Boudova L, Michaelis S, Michal M, Vanecek T, Magro CM, Mukensnabl P, Dummer R, Burg G, Kempf W. Primary Cutaneous Lymphoproliferative Disorders With Dual Lineage Rearrangement. Am J Dermatopathol. 2006 ;28(5):399-409.
- Melichar B, Laco J, Slovacek L, Grossmann P, Vanecek T. Fatal Venous Trombembolism Complicating Imatinib Therapy in a Patient with Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stroma Tumor. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2007; 25(4):607-610.
- Malyarchuk BA, Vanecek T, Perkova MA, Derenko MV, Sip M. Mitochondrial DNA Variability in Czech Population, with Application to Ethnic History of Slavs. Hum Biol. 2006;78(6):681-696.
- Skalova A, Vanecek T, Kinkor Z, Michal M. Detection of HER-2/neu status by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization in breast cancer. In: Progress in Oncogene Research (Ed Peale LS), Nova Science Publishers, NY, Chapter VI, p149-165, 2006. ISBN 1 59454 582 0.
- Kazakov DV, Nemcova J, Mikyskova I, Michal M. Absence of Epstein-Barr Virus, Human Papillomavirus, and Simian Virus 40 in Patients of Central European Origin With Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma of the Skin.Am J Dermatopathol. 2007 Aug;29(4):365-369.
- Kazakov DV, Bisceglia M, Sima R, Michal M. Adenosis tumor of anogenital mammary-like glands: a case report and demonstration of clonality by HUMARA assay. J Cutan Pathol. 2006 Jan;33(1):43-6.
- Kinkor Z, Sima R, Skalova A, Boudova L, Pekova S, Dvorakova D, Dedic K, Kracik M, Janousek M, Michal M. Isolated lymphadenopathy as the first presentation of systemic mastocytosis--description of two cases Cesk Patol. 2006 Jan;42(1):34-8.
- Michal M, Vanecek T, Sima R, Mukensnabl P, Hes O, Kazakov DV, Matoska J, Zuntova A, Dvorak V, Talerman A. Mixed germ cell sex cord-stromal tumors of the testis and ovary. Morphological, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic study of seven cases. Virchows Arch. 2006 Mar 15
- Kralickova M, Sima R, Vanecek T, Sima P, Rokyta Z, Ulcova-Gallova Z, Sucha R, Uher P, Hes O. Leukemia inhibitory factor gene mutations in the population of infertile women are not restricted to nulligravid patients. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2006 Aug;127(2):231-5
- Skalova A, Gnepp DR, Simpson RH, Lewis JE, Janssen D, Sima R, Vanecek T, Di Palma S, Michal M. Clonal nature of sclerosing polycystic adenosis of salivary glands demonstrated by using the polymorphism of the human androgen receptor (HUMARA) locus as a marker. Am J Surg Pathol. 2006 Aug;30(8):939-44.
- Boudova L, Kazakov DV, Jindra P, Sima R, Vanecek T, Kuntscher V, Vera V, Bouda J, Michal M. Primary cutaneous histiocyte and neutrophil-rich CD30+ and CD56+ anaplastic large-cell lymphoma with prominent angioinvasion and nerve involvement in the forehead and scalp of an immunocompetent woman. J Cutan Pathol. 2006 Aug;33(8):584-9.
- Kazakov DV, Belousova IE, Sima R, Michal M. Mammary type tubulolobular carcinoma of the anogenital area: report of a case of a unique tumor presumably originating in anogenital mammarylike glands. Am J Surg Pathol. 2006 Sep;30(9):1193-6.
- Daum O, Grossmann P, Vanecek T, Sima R, Mukensnabl P, Michal M. Diagnostic morphological features of PDGFRA-mutated gastrointestinal stromal tumors: molecular genetic and histologic analysis of 60 cases of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2007 Feb;11(1):27-33.
- Belousova IE, Nikonova SM, Sima R, Kazakov DV. Granulomatous slack skin with clonal T-cell receptor-gamma gene rearrangement in skin and lymph node. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jun 15
- Kazakov DV, Bisceglia M, Spagnolo DV, Kutzner H, Belousova IE, Hes O, Sima R, Vanecek T, Yang Y, Michal M. Apocrine Mixed Tumors of the Skin With Architectural and/or Cytologic Atypia: A Retrospective Clinicopathologic Study of 18 Cases. Am J Surg Pathol. 2007 Jul;31(7):1094-1102.
- Derenko M, Malyarchuk B, Grzybowski T, Denisova G, Dambueva I, Perkova M, Dorzhu C, Luzina F, Lee HK, Vanecek T, Villems R, Zakharov I. Phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in northern Asian populations. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;81(5):1025-1041.
- Malyarchuk BA, Perkova MA, Derenko MV, Vanecek T, Lazur J, Gomolcak P. Mitochondrial DNA variability in Slovaks, with application to the Roma origin. Ann Hum Genet. 2008;72(Pt 2):228-240.
- Malyarchuk BA, Derenko M, Perkova M, Grzybowski T, Vanecek T, Lazur J. Reconstructing the phylogeny of African mitochondrial DNA lineages in Slavs. Eur J Hum Genet. 2008;16(9):1091-6.
- Malyarchuk B, Grzybowski T, Derenko M, Perkova M, Vanecek T, Lazur J, Gomolcak P, Tsybovsky I. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny in Eastern and Western Slavs. Mol Biol Evol. 2008;25(8):1651-8.
- Gatalica Z, Lilleberg SL, Koul MS, Vanecek T, Hes O, Wang B, Michal M. COX-2 gene polymorphisms and protein expression in renomedullary interstitial cell tumors. Hum Pathol. 2008;39(10):1495-504.
- Kazakov DV, Belousova IE, Kacerovska D, Sima R, Vanecek T, Vazmitel M, Pizinger K, Michal M.Hyperplasia of hair follicles and other adnexal structures in cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders: a study of 53 cases, including so-called pseudolymphomatous folliculitis and overt lymphomas. Am J Surg Pathol. 2008;32(10):1468-78.
- Belousova IE, Vanecek T, Samtsov AV, Michal M, Kazakov DV. A patient with clinicopathologic features of small plaque parapsoriasis presenting later with plaque-stage mycosis fungoides: report of a case and comparative retrospective study of 27 cases of "nonprogressive" small plaque parapsoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;59(3):474-82.
- Kacerovska D, Szepe P, Vanecek T, Nemcova J, Michal M, Mukensnabl P, Kazakov DV. Spiradenocylindroma-like basaloid carcinoma of the anus and rectum: case report, including HPV studies and analysis of the CYLD gene mutations. Am J Dermatopathol. 2008;30(5):472-6.
- Malyarchuk B, Perenko M, Perkova M, Vanecek T. Mitochondrial Haplogroup U2d Phylogeny and Distribution. Hum Biol. 2008;80(5):565-571.
- Kazakov DV, Zelger B, Rütten A, Vazmitel M, Spagnolo DV, Kacerovska D, Vanecek T, Grossmann P, Sima R, Grayson W, Calonje E, Koren J, Mukensnabl P, Danis D, Michal M. Morphologic Diversity of Malignant Neoplasms Arising in Preexisting Spiradenoma, Cylindroma, and Spiradenocylindroma Based on the Study of 24 Cases, Sporadic or Occurring in the Setting of Brooke-Spiegler Syndrome. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 33(5):705-719.
- Kazakov DV, Ivan D, Kutzner H, Spagnolo DV, Grossmann P, Vanecek T, Sima R, Kacerovska D, Shelekhova KV, Denisjuk N, Hillen U, Kuroda N, Mukensnabl P, Danis D, Michal M. Cutaneous hidradenocarcinoma: a clinicopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular biologic study of 14 cases, including Her2/neu gene expression/amplification, TP53 gene mutation analysis, and t(11;19) translocation. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009 May;31(3):236-247.
- Kazakov DV, Sima R, Vanecek T, Kutzner H, Palmedo G, Kacerovska D, Grossmann P, Michal M. Mutations in exon 3 of the CTNNB1 gene (beta-catenin gene) in cutaneous adnexal tumors. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009;31(3):248-255.
- Kacerovska D, Michal M, Nemcova J, Vanecek T, Kreuzberg B, Mrazkova P, Koudela K Jr, Kazakov DV. Crystal-deficient alveolar soft-part sarcoma with cutaneous involvement: a case report. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009;31(3):272-277.
- Belousova IE, Vanecek T, Skreg SV, Rodionov AN, Samtsov AV, Kazakov DV. Unusual clinicopathological presentation of primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type, with multiple nodules and widespread garland-like lesions. Am J Dermatopathol. 2009;31(4):370-374.
- Kazakov DV, Benkova K, Michal M, Vanecek T, Kacerovska D, Skalova A. Skin type spiradenoma of the parotid gland with malignant transformation Report of a case with analysis of the CYLD gene. Hum Pathol. 2009 May 18. [Epub ahead of print].
- Skalova A, Sima R, Vanecek T, Muller S, Korabecna M, Nemcova J, Elmberger G, Leivo I, Passador-Santos F, Walter J, Rousarova M, Jedlickova K, Curik R, Geierova M, Michal M. Acinic Cell Carcinoma With High-grade Transformation: A Report of 9 Cases With Immunohistochemical Study and Analysis of TP53 and HER-2/neu Genes. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 May 20. [Epub ahead of print].